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Last Update : 12/01/2024

Blessed Love, InInI

Here we will provide some more overstanding about the subject of Ysrayl. This a very Important issue that has a a big role in how our societies function worldwide. People all over the world, whether it be Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindu’s, etc. even people without a religious faith have been (willingly or unwillingly, aware or unaware) greatly influenced by the Bible. The norms and values of many of our societies have been built on the foundations of this book. Wars have been fought and countries have been formed because of it. People have found Joy and sorrow because of it, whatever the case these scriptures (written by the Ysraylites) have had a lot of influence in of how we live in this world together.
So we feel it is Important to know who original Yraylites were in the past and who the remnant of ancient Ysrayl are in our present times. Some people might think it’s only the commonly known Jews who are true descendants of the Hebrew Ysraylites, but there are more groups that know they are a part of this ancient heritage.

We know many people would prefer to ignore or avoid this information because of the negative thoughts or feelings this subject can generate. If we look at distant and recent history and see the wrong doings that have been committed in the name of the Bible, the wars, oppression and lies, it is overstandable that this can create some aversion within people. 
People also might want to avoid this subject because they simply find it too hard to believe and accept. We have only been taught from one perspective about this in our past history, but the last 100 years or so other groups then the Jews have made claims to Ysraylite heritage. It is overstandable that it is hard to let go of the belief that it is only the Jews who are descendants of the ancient Ysraylites, still we should be able to address it and when we look at the evidence, not far fetched...
There are naturally also people that see the positive side of this, for instance the ones who have something to gain by being a part of this heritage, or the ones that can see the benefits of truth being revealed and what it can do to heal wounds that have been created in the past.

In general it seems like many people want to avoid the subject about the claim of Ysrayl and the Bible, possibly asking themselves why bother? is that really so important? Are we not all YAH’s children? why do you want to be special, why are you the chosen ones? Or think that it will only create more unrest. These are the type of questions what we have heard many times over the years. 
We can overstand why people have these feelings, but that gives us more reason to say something about it and give insight as to why this is important. The Bible and the Ysraylites are not here to generate these negative feelings and thoughts. It is something positive with great promise when we know the whole truth about it. 
If ones would like to know how all the negativity about this subject can change into something good then we suggest to let go of all preconceptions, be open minded and non judgmental, then ones might see the importance of addressing this issue.

We don’t want to see any more unrest or animosity between any of the parties involved so we will Raspect every ones viewpoint, wont judge and have a peaceful approach to the whole matter. Creating war, animosity and bad feelings is not something that the Ysraylites were chosen to be the source of.
So this information is not going to be about who is Not a true Ysraylite.
But more to give everyone a chance to be who he or she wants to be without being judged for that (that is something we should leave in the hands of YAH). 
Still we will have to speak our truth and the truth can hurt sometimes, but this is something that needs to be accepted. We will present all information and groups fairly so people can get a deeper overstanding about this subject and therefore have a more objective opinion about the matter.

Basically there are 4 ethnic groups that are claiming to be descendants of Ysrayl, Caucasian, Arab, Asiatic and African.
The Caucasian Jews who móst people consider to be the direct descendants of Ysrayl and are worldwide acknowledged to be so. They consist out of 2 different main groups. 

* The Ashkenazi Jews (who mostly came from Poland, Germany, Russia, Ukraine and some other countries in that region) about 70-75% of the Jewish population in the world are Ashkenazi. There about 10-11 million Ashkenazi Jews.

* The Sephardim Jews, who mostly came from Spain and Portugal seem to be more of mixed group (Caucasian, Arab and African), because of intermixing from the time when the Moors were living there. They make up about 13-20% of the Jewish population. There are about 2-3 million Sephardim Jews

The Arab Jews known as the Mizrahim Jews live in countries like Yemen, Morocco, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt and Turkey) and make out about 5-10% of the Jews. They were also living in Ysrayl before there was a mass movement of Ashkenazi and Sephardim Jews to Ysrayl after the 2nd world war in 1948. There are about 1-2million Mizrahim Jews.

The Asiatic Jews, come from India (Bnei Menashe and Cochin), Pakistan and Afghanistan (Pashtuns), Uzbekistan (Bukharan), China (Kaifeng) and Japan (the Shingon)

A variety of African groups. 
* There are a couple of Black Hebrew Israelites groups functioning independent from each other that originated in the USA.

* The Black Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem founded by Ben Ammi Ben Israel have been living in Israel (Dimona) for many years now since the 1960’s. They are not fully acknowledged but accepted...and are starting to become a part of Israels culture more and more. There are a couple of thousand of them.

* The Beta Israel from Ethiopia, also called Falasha sometimes. They have “proven” through DNA testing that they are descendants from the original Ysraylites, and now also live in Israel. They make up less then 1 % of the population.

* The Lemba tribe in South Africa, they have Jewish customs and have also proven by DNA studies to share genetic markers from the Cohen Modal Haplotype (used to determine if someone is genetically from Israel), just as the Beta Israel. They are in dialog with Israeli officials to be accepted as Jews but are not yet as of this time. (they have a population of tens of thousands).

* Some of the Akan tribes from Ghana say they have Ysraylite roots and still keep some of the customs associated with this heritage like circumcision, keeping the Sabbath and celebrating certain Jewish feast days. It’s mainly the Ashanti and Akyem out of the 9 Akan tribes that hold on to this faith. There are over 20 million Akan people, with about 5 million Ashanti and Akyem (not all of them hold on to this)

* Some Igbo people from Nigeria also say they have Ysaylite roots, and also share many of the Jewish customs. There are about 60 million Igbo but most of them do not follow this idea of being from Ysraylite decent. There are a couple of communities within this tribe that follow this idea but numbers are difficult to say.

* The Abayudaya people from Uganda claim Ysraylite ancestry and have converted to Judaism since 1919 being supported by Jewish organizations. They are a couple thousand strong.

* There are some African American Churches or Congregations in the USA that minister about the African connection with Ysrayl. Some of these are, The Church of God in Jesus Christ, The Commandment Keepers, Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation, The Church of God and Saints of Christ, the united house of prayer for all people and some Baptist churches (The number of followers of the Churches are not known by InI at the moment, but they reside in different locations).  
* Rastafari (the biggest of these groups) have also found InI roots and identity in the Bible and it is widely acknowledged within Rastafari that we are the descendants of the ancient Hebrew Ysraylites. First of all through the Lineage of Emperor Haile Selassie I as a descendant from King Solomon, but also going further into identifying the Bible as an African Book. Although not accepted by all Rastafari there is a large group that know this, and live by it. There are no exact numbers of Rastafari due to its unorganized structure and its personal based faith, but there are a couple of Million Rastafari in the world and many more sympathizers. 

 All These groups mentioned could be seen as the 12 Lost Tribes Of Israel although not for certain. The lost tribes of Israel are mostly unaware of their heritage (that’s the definition of being lost). The Bible states that the Ysraylites would be scattered out to other nations, and erase their name from human memory as a punishment for not obeying the law of YAH, until the return of Christ. Physical appearance and culture can change very fast. It only takes about 3 to 4 generations for black man or woman to become white in appearance or the other way around and within 2000 years there could be between 70 and 100 generations. So its impossible to determine if someone is definitely and Ysraylite, or not, by physical appearance. One way and maybe the only way to determine this is by the circumstances ones are living in, as this was clearly outlined in the Bible in Deuteronomy 28.



It is impossible to see if someone is a descendant from Ysrayl by looking at skin color or other physical trademarks, as this can change greatly over years. 
Genetically speaking anyone could be a descendant from Ysrayl. It can take only two to three generations for an Africans man or woman’s offspring to look more white then black if that child and its offspring would only have white partners after that. So think about what 2000 years of integration can produce…all colors, shapes and sizes… Usually African characteristics tend to stay on the forefront longer because African DNA is dominant over European DNA. But eventually this will fade away if a minority or an individual integrates in to a larger group for a long period of time. So we can imagine that if there were dark skinned African Ysraylites in Europe 2000 years ago they could have turned into how Jews look today (like the Sephardim Jews who still have dark characteristics often having woolly hair and dark eyes, and even Ashkenazi who have less of these characteristics). We might have personal opinions about who is a true Ysraylite or not, but when looking at someones skin or other physical trademarks we can’t make that judgment call, we can’t prove anything and should have the overstanding that there is a possibility that Anybody can have sóme Ysraylite blood in them.


DNA Research could give an answer to this question. The only problem is that there are no DNA samples from Ysraylites living 2000 or 3000 years ago. The DNA used today to determine if someone is genetically a Jew derives from people who have been seen as Ysraylites, but are not necessarily closest to the root. The DNA from modern day Jews was taken (for instance from the Cohen branch especially, as they claim to be direct descendants from the priesthood of Aaron, and are therefore less influenced by other genetics as members from the priesthood are less likely to marry outside their own race and therefore more pure, they say). Based on this DNA the determination is made and then compared with other ethnic groups. What we also could do, is take DNA samples from the Lemba in South Africa or from the Beta Israel Jews in Ethiopia as a Prime DNA sample and then do studies based on that DNA and see who their closest relatives are. Studies have been done to compare the DNA of the Beta Israel and Lemba’s with Jews and found that even though they áre related, they are not the closest of relatives. Mizrahim, Sephardim and Ashkenazi are more closely related to each other. 
In any case this is very scientific and also unreliable as genetic testing is not very accurate yet. People would have to take a DNA test to divine who they are but this is not very realistic (especially because we don’t have any Proven ancient Ysraylite DNA to compare anybody with). So we wouldn’t recommend taking this path to find out who the original Ysraylites are, as it can be misleading or speculative.

If we stay true to Biblical scripture and have faith in what is written, we might find an answer how to find or identify Ancient Ysraylites in these times. As the Ysraylites are bound by certain spiritual principles made in past covenants mentioned in the Bible, and who’s history and future are shown clearly within the scriptures. When we compare scripture with actual facts, answers might come to light. Looking at these signs, there is a group of people that fit within the scriptures better then others. This is where the truth can hurt because it might take away validity from some. Still we want to stay tolerant to the believe of others, so we don't want to say definitively that if one does not exactly fit within the scriptures, that they are not part of it.
This way of looking at the question, though it is empowering for certain groups, could naturally diminish others, but this shouldn’t be a problem for honest and wise people and might even give some new insight as to why things in the world are in the bad state they have been and still is. And a possibility to grow and move forward with more peace and love. We will expand on this further in due time, but have already pointed out to some of these Signs mentioning the Lost Tribes of Israel and the scriptures that are about this subject. There are more scriptures that give insight into the origins of Ysrayl together with other historical books and anthropology.  


These are some examples of how Ysraylite Blood mixed with other nations in the world and is therefore difficult to detect.
* First is when Ysrayl got overthrown by the assyrians (700 BC) and babylonians about (500 BC). Many Ysraylites were captured and taken to those foreign lands and eventually (in some cases) integrated with the population there. The ones who didn’t get captured or killed most probably fled to surrounding countries like Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Sudan, Ethiopia and other parts of Africa (as they knew these countries already) and integrated into those societies.
* There was a large group of Ysraylites that returned to Ysrayl from babylon after their captivity there (and had probably formed mixed offspring with them too). Around 6 AD Ysrayl got overthrown again by the romans and then scattered around different  areas after Yerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD. Although many Ysraylites were killed, some were taken as slaves into the roman empire. Naturally there would have been Ysraylites that managed to escape this persecution (it is very unlikely that the romans killed or enslaved évery Ysraylite). These Ysraylites fled deeper in to Africa and started to mix more with the other African tribes and evolved in to large communities (like the Akan from Ghana, Igbo from Nigeria and Lemba in South Africa).
* Somewhere around 640 AD The Arab Muslims conquered huge stretches of land in Africa enslaving and mixing with the African-Ysraylites for more than 1000 years. There were a lot of African/Hebrew/Arab mixed Muslims that conquered Europe in 711 AD called the Moors. The Moors were very favorable towards the few Ysraylites already living in Spain at that time, and this is known to be the golden age for Jews in Spain, this remnant is known as the Sephardim (Spanish) Jews. 
* When the European slave trade started even more dramatic mixing came into existence. The people were taken from areas where a lot of the ancient Hebrews had big settlements (some of them probably not even knowing they had these roots or being watered down at least, after 1000 years of Muslim domination, and possibly also suffering from the conditions mentioned in Deuteronomy 28). Slave traders came, tearing families apart (fathers, mothers and children were often separated) creating random new ones with people from all kinds of different African tribes being put together, scattered all over the world. The slave masters would often rape the enslaved woman and made children with them. Because of all these things there is a lot of mixed Ysraylite blood out in the world (especially among African people). So we can never determine anymore who is who, physically…
What this means is that Everyone has to decide for them self who they want to be. If a Jew, an Arab or an African feels like he or she has Ysraylite blood, let them be…We would only like to see this person behave in a responsible way that YAH has intended for InI and Live according to who they Think they are.   


As the information presented here is mainly in the interest for the people who claim to be of Ysraylite heritage, this can be good information for Jews, Muslims and Christians as we share some of the same believes and scriptures.

* This is very Important information for the Jewish community, because if there is Any truth in what is being said here some big changes need to be made within the  community and personal consciousness. You can reject what is being said here and be Judged for that (when the time is there), or if you still feel as being a part of this heritage to accept your lost African brothers and sisters as being a part of you.
Do the research and be open for the possibility that history might be a little different then what you have been taught by your parents or in the class room and synagogues. If it was never taught that Hebrews are from African descent, then how could you know? This knowledge has been hidden from Everyone including most Jewish people so we overstand that this can be a little overwhelming or shocking to find out. But that it is ok...it only turns into a problem if you are not open for this altered “possible” reality and try to fight against it. If the information we provide is not enough, try and search in your heart and soul for the Truth.
* The Islamic faith is deeply rooted in Hebrew history by being Brothers and Sisters because of the Arabs and Muhammad descending from Abraham. And also because that when we read the Koran the Ysraylites are often mentioned and revered too, there is a lot of respect for the ancient Prophets of the Bible and Also because just like the Christians, Muslims are awaiting the return of Christ. So it is very important for you to know who to look to in regard of these matters, who are your Brothers and Sisters? and to who do you look when searching for Christ? Also we are aware of some of the cruelty that was committed by Muslims to people on the African continent. Before the european slave trade, there was what is called the Muslim era of Slavery which lasted from 700 AD to 1900 AD, so that is 1200 years of slavery! This is not documented as much as the european slave trade but it existed, also in regions now known as Nigeria and Ghana where a lot of people from Hebrew decent lived. We don’t want to make a thing out of that, what is done is done. but its good to be aware of Who was taken into slavery and possibly show some repentance for that.   
* This is also important for Christians as you use the Bible as a guiding light and see Jesus Christ as a white man hanging on the cross in your churches. But if you can acknowledge and accept the information being share here, this can put things into a new prospective for you also. Just like Jews and Muslims, Christians haven’t always been so nice to the “possible” true Hebrew Ysraylites. Remember the days of slavery? Or the colonization of Africa? and your leaders in state and church having a big role in suppressing this information? This is good to know because if what we say is true then a big part of Christianity is based on untruthful and manipulating information and this had a big effect on how this world operates and the injustice that has been done throughout history. Ones might want to do something in regards of changing this and making amends.        


We give Raspect to anyone when it comes to this subject and would like to see the same from others to. Rastafari (and other groups) know we are from this Royal Lineage and don’t need to get clearance or approval in some way from anyone. We know a lot of Jews, Christians and Muslims won’t agree with this, but we suggest taking in this information in without judging immediately.
We don’t condemn Christians or Muslims nor Jews to not be aware of this information. But to take it to heart, think about it and be open minded about this possible truth.


Rastafari in general don’t have ill feelings towards Jews personally, some proof of this is in the fact that there are no Reggae songs that say anything bad about Jews, even though there is reason enough to do so because we have overtanding about the issues we are addressing here. Ever since His Majesty Haile Selassie I was crowned we have lived with this awareness of being original Ysraylites and observing someone in InI place living an abundant and fruitful life, while we are on the bottom of society and struggle financially. Never the less we have not persecuted Jews for this and remained humble and meek about this matter. Yes we have expressed who we are, but we never took on the Jews how we have taken on ones who we feel have done InI wrong. If you compare this with some other pro African groups like the Hebrew Israelites in the USA, the Nation of Islam and many of the African History scholars, there is a tendency to view Jews as white devils and impostors who are the root of much of the evil committed in the world. The other African Hebrew groups like the Beta Israel, Igbo, Akan, Lemba and the Black Hebrews in Dimona also have you in their favor and don’t say bad things about you. Rastafari however is by far the most influential out of All these groups teaching about African awareness because for one we have a world wide following, but mainly because we have the strength of Reggae Music that gets listened to by many many different people from all over the world, and these songs are timeless, they get played over and over through generations to come, whereas a book or a YouTube video about this subject from a scholar only reaches a view people. We are in general also more popular and respected then these other groups, because we have this cool culture that we live, compared to the scholars who are only busy with providing information. So we are very important when is comes to dealing with this matter of who is who and we are showing Raspect to you and see InI as Brothers and Sisters! That’s why we say we are a good friend...We would suggest to cherish this and be that same friend in return.
This is the moment to make a choice, Take notice of the Loving teachings of Rastafari that is leading InI in to the Light (Jew, Gentile, Hebrew, Muslim etc.) or…keep on believing and living what babylon is trying to achieve.
In any case for many people it is very good to know the truth about this and can hereby be assisted to decide what is truth or not and to be motivated (whatever truth one finds) to still show love and Raspect for one and other.


We will elaborate more about the subjects in the menu bar on the left in due time, for now we have only written something about Rastafari and this peace of information, but the rest of the information will follow in due time, we have a lot of work to do on other subjects as well so please be patient.  
Ones can also make a donation to speed up the process or show love and appreciation if felt this is needed.

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Give Raspect and you will get Raspect.
And leave all Judgment to YAH, Yes I




Ancient Ysrayl
Ancient Ysrayl
Modern Day Ysrayl
Modern Day Ysrayl
Beta Israel (Ethiopia)
Beta Israel
Lemba (South Africa)
Ysrayl Lemba
Akan (Ghana)
Ysrayl The Akan
Igbo (Nigeria)
Ysrayl The Igbo
Dimona Hebrew Israelites
Ysrayl Dimona Hebrew Israelites
Black Hebrew Israelites
Ysrayl Black Hebrew Israelites
Bnei Menashe (India)Ysrayl Bnei Menashe Jews
Cochin (India)
Ysrayl Cochin Jews
Kaifeng (China)
Ysrayl Kaifeng Jews
Pashtuns (Afgan-Pakistan)Ysrayl Pashtuns Jews
Bukharan (Oezbekistan)
Ysrayl Bukharan Jews
Mizrahim Jews
Ysrayl Mizrahim Jews
Sephardic Jews
Ysrayl  Sephardim Jews
Ashkenazi Jews
Ysrayl Ashkenazi Jews
Ysrayl The Country
Ysrayl The Country
The Law Of Return
The Law Of Return