H.I.M. Menen Speeches
- In September 1935 Empress Menen disclosed the aggression to the world Women Association and appealed to all world nation states with her famous speech.
Her Imperial Majesty said:
"We are indeed glad for this evening which has caused our voice to be heard by all women throughout the world. Regardless of the different climate they live in, women in this world are connected and have the same desire in maintaining world peace and love.
Obviously, war is one of the major problems which bring disaster in the life of mankind. In spite of the difference of colour, race, creed and religion between women in this world, they all hate war because the fruit of war is nothing but disaster.
War exterminates their beloved husbands, their brothers and their children. It destroys and eliminates their families. At this hour, and such a tragic and sad period where aggressors have planned a very heavy war upon our lives, we would like to bring this to the attention of all women throughout the world, that it is their duty to voice and express solidarity against such acts."
- April 18, 1949 Empress Menen celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Empress Menen school. On this celebration, there were a lot of people. The school had shown progress and gave a chance for many girls to be educated. On this occasion she extended her message through Haile Selassie I’s work to the gathered people.
Empress Menen delivered this significant speech on the occasion.
"His Imperial Majesty, Emperor of Ethiopia believes that there is nothing better for the development of a country's progress and development except education. In this regard on His willingness He built many schools for boys. But girls are left behind without having regular education may have disadvantages. Therefore, I have opened this School for the merit of girls twenty-five years ago since I believe that girls should learn as boys.
This School was discontinued by the invasion of the fascist Italian but by the grace of YAH it resumed its functions after the victory. Many girls have been given a chance to be promoted at the higher level of education after graduating in this School. Many of them are working in government offices and private Organizations.
In my country, girls get chances to learn a good standard of education; I hope they will contribute a lot as their brothers. There were no more than fifty students when the School opened twenty-five years. But today there are approximately 1300 students. This number is increasing because girls are aware of the advantage of education and I am very happy to see this progress.
I thank the Almighty YAH for which I celebrate this 25th anniversary of the Empress Menen School for Girls. I thank the Director of this School and lady teachers which share the problems and the progress of the School."
- Sept. 13, 1928. Empress Menen disclosed the aggression to World women Association and appealed to all world nation states.
"I am pleased to present my speech to all world women.
When Italy conquered our people and country the world women Association supported us to settle peace and freedom. We are very happy to express our deep feeling for the association.
When I am speaking now in order to be understood to all countries my daughter princess Tsehaye translated my speech into English language.
Princess Tsehaye made the speech as follows. “During this time Italy conquered us unjustly, causing great difficulties and world women should let their voice be heard.
Even though world women are living in different countries with different climates, all women are interrelated with the same will and objectives.
War is distress and trouble for mankind. For all world women in different countries, different races, and religions, the act of violence and war victimized their husbands, brothers and children. War is a destruction of the family and can make people immigrants. So women are against war.
We know that all Italian mothers and barren women may worry about the war, since war is good for nothing. Therefore, all women found in the world should prevent the war before it brings trouble and distress. They should collaborate their voices and request to avoid the war before the bloodshed comes on both sides.
Ethiopia does not want to act in the violence conflict, her wish is to maintain in peace. Ethiopia tried to settle the conflict peacefully in early months. In every aspect Ethiopia has done here best. So we are mentally free.
Ethiopian people welcomed any foreigners, guests who came to work peacefully and innocently, Ethiopian people have shown good hospitality to foreigners which has been narrated in the history of the world. However, one state which is neighbour to Ethiopia is trying to take control and govern. Ethiopia is always on the line of peace, while the rival state is looking only its own interest.
The enemy deployed its army and based around our country to kill our women's husbands, children, brothers. Our people live and work peacefully being YAH fearing but the enemy is trying to devastate the wealth of the country and destroy our family in the name of modernization.
We pray to YAH not to face such kind of distress and destruction if the so called modernization brings big trouble.
Hence, the association which is established for the purpose of peace by world women may exert her influence to bring peace and stability. We are confident that the world women Association may contribute a lot to settle this conflict peacefully.
We pray to YAH that the Association may accomplish its mission. We hope that the actions of the Association may bring fruitful result to preserve peace and security in our country.
Nonetheless, if the war is started, we women should treat wounded soldiers and minimize the troubles of the war.
Women who are living all over the world, who stand for peace may help us during war time. We know that these women assist in the sacrificed patriot's family.
All women of the world should struggle to bring peace and justice. Government officials may guide us in the line of YAH, we pray for this and you may collaborate with us."
- In 1934 Empress Menen went to Wollo province and made a speech through princess Tsehay giving the following advice.
” My countries ladies and gentlemen, First of all I would like to thank the Almighty Lord for which our flag is replaced. Our patriots came back with a victory staying in the bush for 5 years.
Secondly, any human being may have a great pleasure when he or she joins with his/her birth place. With grace of YAH I was eager to see my native place Wollo. I am very happy as I am with you after 31 years.
Next I am very grateful for the people who received me with great pleasure.
All of you know that this naturally blessed country which is green and different from any African countries, has never been under colony and has been ruled only by its own Kings and Queens.
After many failed trials Italy used propaganda warfare since Ethiopia couldn’t be controlled before. Through this campaign they tried to dismiss our unity and divide our people.
Is there anybody who did not miss his relative during the war? Some of our citizens were killed by hoes, spades and machine guns.
YAH made it possible that Ethiopia over won its enemy quickly. We, the citizen’s children feel proud when we see our country freed from any aggression and we are very thankful to Almighty YAH.
Ethiopian people had good lessons from past experiences, which enables us to cooperate as mother's and children love each other. This made every Ethiopian to struggle for the country's independence and freedom.
You have seen that people without freedom are victim as this was seen during these 5 years of aggression. Indeed our people did not hate native rulers as far as they kept the language, customs and traditions of the Ethiopian people. But the Italians tried to rule in a different way. During the aggression, even though the enemy killed our people, patriots went to the bush and some went abroad in exile. This situation surprised the world.
My native ladies and gentle men of the Wollo region in our country have been free since 3000 years back. Now with the help of England and fierce struggle of the children, we freed our country, the flag and King for our common motherland Ethiopia. We have to be one and united.
The crown prince is selected and came up from you, our beloved son prince Meried Azmach Asfa Wosen is with you. Even though I was separated for 5 years physically, it is impossible to say that I was living alienated from you. I was with you spiritually.
Our beloved son is your governor. I believe you may be very happy when I tell you this information. You may service him loyally and kindly, on the other hand he may share your problems and help you. He may administer you through good Justice - Please, give him advice and assist him any time.
Let YAH keep our country fertile, let YAH make it possible, long live to our flag.”
Here she completed her speech. At this time the ladies, gentlemen and children of the Wollo event touched their heart with great happiness by her speech.