To Them
Stand The Test
Ina Ye
I Beseech JAH
Ras For A Reason
Respek Dem Een
A Reminder
Mama Africa
Carboniferous Land
Ring out ah chant
I Chant
Permit Zion
Things To Be Thankful For
New life
Love Is Among
A Healing
Bun a Corn
South Eastern Moon
Same Boat We
Never Before
Kabaa Stone
Pagan Pay Gone
Bad Man Trade
Fe Prominence
In the Race So Far
M ah W and Z ah N
Midnite - One
Children of the new covenant
Hear I oh Israel
YAH Rastafari is one
Blazing tongue of flame ghetto youth you know your name come
For He shall have judgment without mercy
That have showed no mercy
For mercy rejoiceth against judgment
In secret ridicule
Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture
Behold I lay in Zion, a chief cornerstone
Elect and precious
And he that believeth on Him, shall not be confounded
But ye are a chosen generation
A royal priesthood, a holy nation
A peculiar people
That ye should show forth the praises of the Him who has caused out of darkness, into His marvelous light
Having good conscience
That where as they speak evil of you as of evildoers
That they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation
Children of the new name covenant
Hear I oh Israel
YAH Rastafari is one
For the time is come
That judgment must begin at the house of YAH
And if it first begin at I and I
What shall be the end of them that obey not YAH
Behold the hire of the laborers
Who have reaped down your fields
Which is of you kept back by fraud
Quiet and the cries of them which have reaped
Are entered into the ears of the lord of Sabbath or Armies
Children of the new name covenant
Hear I oh Israel
YAH Rastafari is one
Children of the new name covenant
Hear I oh Israel
YAH Rastafari is one
YAH Rastafari is one
YAH Rastafari is one