To Them
Stand The Test
Ina Ye
I Beseech JAH
Ras For A Reason
Respek Dem Een
A Reminder
Mama Africa
Carboniferous Land
Ring out ah chant
I Chant
Permit Zion
Things To Be Thankful For
New life
Love Is Among
A Healing
Bun a Corn
South Eastern Moon
Same Boat We
Never Before
Kabaa Stone
Pagan Pay Gone
Bad Man Trade
Fe Prominence
In the Race So Far
M ah W and Z ah N
Midnite - Earth Is The Lords
On to the King of Kings
The Earth is the Lord and the world is His plan
Universal human fight need consultation
The forces show the force of instant devastation
That mean every moment is precious and useful
Seek sincerity action highest expression
Search out the root of a matter well before you rush to judgment
Again and still the words of the Emperor Abyssinian
Speak to judgment the world situation solution
First and second class citizens in every nation
What don’t you ovastand ova stand oh man
Haile I Selassie I the First a Jahovah ina man
Abraham to the twelve tribe ina every nation
Ina to the peak operational technological
And the grounds man and harvest Rasta to every one
The Earth is the Lords and the world is His plan
Yea yea yea yea yea yea yea
Critical delineation I can hear them now
Fine tuning dialectics, discussing the how
But the how without know is a stray out loud
There’s a stray out loud high official mouth
Resource is the truth in the root of what its all about
In the first place they wouldn’t be able to suppress such a freedom shout
If you hadn’t supplied them the arms to assert dictator clout
Yea yea yea yea yea yea yea
Always tell you with the very important piece left out
Is just business the exportation of weapon who’s the biggest bout
Supply the third world disparity with nozzle for gasoline guns out
Overly ambitiously trying to sweep the world house out
With rebellion among friends and allies they paint white the house
Calcination and pacification, purification they saying, kinetic burn them out, burn them out
Innocent blood shed from the valley to the alley ina Tivolli
Waiting for a spectacle of sorcerer word transfusion
How them ago speak up to justify such naked aggression
How many details can your sound bite fill in
The chairman of the board of war time contractor
Making sure all the invader invest in the thing
Confident desperation ina the military wing
The highest generals of tactical application reluctant
Knowledge of the danger ina de field urging caution
Turn round make it an issue of gender oblivion
With strong pre-emptive assertion, whoa
Its like a policy of hit first, and then try to ovastand
Simultaneously having a systemic transformation
Socialism is a backbone of the bail out plan
Merit a pursue within theocracy monarchy constitutional
Abba Jahnoy Abba Kiddus and I will publish the righteous goal
I focus the eye in I and I to strive
Them a step pon working man pride with pay big time
Haile I Haile I Haile I
A short tactical operation how they narrow it down
They say these are the ideological root of the danger zone
Wish to put any objection as an obstacle out of the land and home
Then again who live by the sword again die by the sword, seen
Universal human fight need consultation
The forces show the force of instant devastation
That mean every moment is precious and useful
Seek sincerity and action highest expression
Search out the root of a matter well before you rush to judgment
Again and still the words of the Emperor Abyssinian
Speak to judgment the world situation solution
First and second class citizens ina every nation
What don’t you ovastand ovastand oh man
Haile I Selassie I the First a Jahovah ina man
Abraham to the twelve tribes ina every nation
Ina to the peak operational technological
And to grounds man and harvest Rasta to every one
The Earth is the Lords
The Earth is the lords and the world is his plan
Earth is the Lords and the world is his plan
World is his plan
Yea yea