What is the main purpose of this website?
* We would like to see more overstanding about Rastafari and bring it to a wider audience.
* To Uplift Africa, its people and Culture.
* To Uplift wombman
* To bring people from different faiths together in mutual Raspect.
* Share information to create more overall awareness about the world we are living on.
* To assist people with their or loved ones health problems.
* Transforming this world in a more cleaner, peaceful and enduring one.
* Gathering information about things that might influence our society in the near future, so we can prepare for possible changes.
* Create a place where people can gather and form a movement to realize these objectives.
* Gathering funds to set up projects we are interested in and also to stimulate other projects then our own.
* More Love.
Is this a website only meant for Rastafari?
No, although there is a lot of focus and information about Rastafari. InI aim is to make a website that is interesting for as many as possible people from all cultures. This means that a lot of different aspects of Life are addressed and people who are not Rastafari can still learn something that might build a Higher awareness.
Do Rastafari believe Haile Selassie I is YAH/god?
Some of InI do and some don’t, there is room for both opinions within Rastafari. The Main reason why Rastafari hold the faith that His Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I is YAH, is because of the widely adopted thought that Yahshua/Jesus is YAH. Haile Selassie I being the return of Christ for many Rastafari, is therefore also seen in this way. Boboshanti on the other hand see His majesty as YAH and King Emmanual als Christ and the twelve tribes of israel usually don’t view His Majesty as YAH or Christ, but still having the character of Christ.
Why so much focus on Ysrayl?
Because one of the best kept secrets in the world, is about the true descendants of Ysrayl. A lot of effort has been put into hiding these facts, this means we have to put a lot of effort into braking down these illusions.
The Bible was written By and For Ysraylites so we think it is logical to show who InI are in these times.
Is this an anti Semitic website?
No, but we overstand some people might perceive it in that way. The information presented here could be hard for many to except because of how our societies have been led to believe that history is like we get taught in schools, books, movies, pictures, documentaries and such. So if something like this website comes out with information that goes against these believes, people might have trouble to see the reality in what we are presenting and see it as being false information that could be perceived as Antisemitism. Jews themselves have been pushing this term Antisemitism very hard, so much that when someone says something that is critical about Jews or Judaism, they get labeled as Anti Semitic. But we ensure we have no bad intentions towards Israel, Jews or Judaism. We don’t deny their culture or right to exist we just defend InI own philosophy and rights. This should be tolerated as we share the same heritage and just see it in a broader sense. so anyone calling InI anti Semitic for teaching about InI own culture could be seen as anti Shemitic themselves.
Are Rastafari Chistians?
Yes and no...There are Rastafari that don’t adhere to the Bible or have the faith of being a part of that culture. But many of InI do and Are in that sense Christian by having faith in the Bible and in the Christ, Yahshua. We differ from other Christian faiths, in that we don’t believe in the white image of jesus. jesus is a made up name (probably derived from the greek god zeus) and given a white image to identify with. The Name jesus doesn’t have any true historical (Biblical) value and neither does the image of Christ we all know of. We see this has been used to prevent people from knowing the truth about the African connection with the Bible. Yahshua is a better translation from the original Hebrew name and we say he was a dark skinned man with Locks, that is the Christ we have faith in. So sometimes you might hear Rastafari say that they burn jesus, but that doesn’t mean we don’t believe in the Christ Yahshua and what is written about H.I.M. And some view His Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I the Return of Christ. Some also see InI to be the Root of Christianity being descendants of the Hebrew Ysraylites.
What does InI mean?
InI means We, You, Me, Us, Him, Her, or One… InI stresses the oneness and link we all have within each other, including YAH.
There is a lot of focus on Africa and African people here…Is this a website mainly for people with African descent?
Yes and no, even though there is a lot of emphasis on African culture, should that be a problem for anyone who is not from African descent? As most of InI know African Culture and People have been trodden down for thousands of years, mainly by Europeans and Arabs. Therefore there is a lot of distrust and animosity against these groups by many people from African descent. One of the things this website aims to do is restore African culture and heritage, therefore more attention is given to people within this group. If there is a choice of a subject being explained by someone with an African background or a European, we will choose the African person. Nevertheless we also want to provide good and solid information, so if a European or someone else has more expertise and knowledge then an African person then we wont hesitate to provide the information given by them, as we don’t promote racism. But as mentioned if there is a choice between the two, we will go with the African one, or provide them both, maybe just putting the African one in front of the other one. There is great promise and importance in the reestablishment and awareness of African culture, so it is only logical that this is our primary target group and therefore make a website that satisfies InI interest the most.
Besides that, In the other subjects and current issues pages information is given by the ones who have the most knowledge about these subjects who are often not from African descent, so there is also enough information that might satisfy the interest of people from all other cultures.
What does Zion mean?
Zion has different meanings, but the main attribute of Zion is that is a place of peace, a paradise that can be found and seen in different ways. There is the Biblical Zion, Heavenly Zion, African/Ethiopian Zion, Mental Zion and Inner Zion The differences are explained more in this link about Zion. www.tozion.org/Rastafari-Zion.html
Can we still make a change for the better in the world?
Naturally we can…on what scale is the only question. If we become a better person by the knowledge we receive and share this with others this will chance the world (making it a better place) even only on a small scale, but this could also be on a Big scale because of many people’s unawareness at the present time. If enough people get touched by this knowledge we still have the opportunity to create a better world as a whole. The balance of good and bad just needs to be shifted to the good side (this can be done with numbers).
There is also the theory that everything is predetermined and we as people don’t have much influence on what happens in the world. And we could ask our self, why make an effort then? This comes from knowing even though things might be predetermined, it is through inspiration and actions of people that some of these predetermination's take place. So don’t be discouraged by thinking that this world can’t be changed for the better, there is enough opportunity for that especially in these times.
How can this website make a change in our lives?
Gaining more awareness (knowledge, wisdom, overstanding) is one of the main things to make a change in our life. This one of the websites main objectives.
For who is this website?
For anyone who would like to gain more Knowledge, Wisdom and Overstanding.
For anyone who would like to assist this world with its inhabitants to a Higher peaceful/loving state of being.
For people who want to know more about African culture.
For ones who want to know more about Rastafari livity.
For Anyone that feel the role of woman needs to be uplifted.
For anyone that would like to learn more about alternative health care.
For anyone that wants to listen to good Positive Music.
Is this website finished?
No not yet, there is still a lot of work to do. Although there is enough information for ones to see, we would say that the I-site is only functioning at about 3% or so (19/1/2024).
The Rastafari section has been worked on the most and good enough for the average person to gain some knowledge. But we will to go deeper into these subjects so our aim is to increase the quality of that information as time goes by as we meet people that can give deeper insight about the various subjects within Rastafari.
Not only about Rastafari, but All the subjects.
What we have done in the Rastafari section, is a good indication for what we want to do for anything else we address. At the moment we only have a selection of YouTube videos for many of the other subjects, which is also useful and a good starting point to do further research for one self. But eventually we want to have everything worked out like the Rastafari section, so please have some patients and see how this I-site will grow over time.
How long before finished?
This depends on the assistance we will get.
Every subject needs to be worked out and given the right attention to give it the quality it needs to have the greatest Impact. And this takes time or a lot of money. At the moment there is only one person working on this website, and from 2012 InI have had some physical challenges that has made the progress move very very slowly, now in 2024 as these challenges seem to be coming to an end, things are expected to move faster, that is what we are aiming for at least.
Still even though InI should be able to do more work now, for the amount of work that still needs to be done, it might take some years to have all the different subjects worked out in the way we are doing as with the Rastafari page.
InI have some thoughts on how to speed this process up, maybe creating a gofundI page or establishing a business model with which we can gain the funds to pay people to assist in working on the website, or by realizing a foundation. Once we have the required funds, our aim is to get a group of people together to work on all the different subjects we have. If there would be 20-70 people working on the website we could be finished within a year or so. It all depends on the funds we have...
Besides that, this I-site is always upgrading as we grow personally or as a group and become more aware of the subjects we address. So it will be a site that will never stop to grow or change. That is why we have the last update date at the end, so people know that it should be improved from the last time. Because sometimes we read things we wrote a while back, and always see ways to express something in a better way. So forgive InI for the Imperfection, but still perfection or close to it, is what we are striving for so in due time with the grace of YAH this will develop into something more beautiful.
Are we currently involved in any projects?
No not yet, we are in the early stages of the initiative. Once we have the financial resources we will begin setting up projects and support existing ones. Projects we will be interested in are…making documentaries, organizing seminars and gatherings, researching the different health care options we support, building health care clinics, building up Africa…to name a view.
Do we need financial or other support?
Yes I Naturally…Some how even though we have one of the most interesting websites around, money is not something we have gained from from it yet. From the time we have been working on this website somewhere in 2009 we once received 1 eur, we still give thanks for that! Blessed Love...But it didn't take InI much further.
Everybody has a different role to play in Life. InI part is being creative and having the ideas and doing these works, but we lack financial resources to grow to its full potential. Someone could step up and take on that responsibility so we can speed up the process of building up this website.
If one doesn't have funds to share, maybe ones could try to encourage/motivate people that do have it.
There is also enough physical work that can be done to assist InI, in the sense of promoting the website (sharing links on social media). Sharing useful information, anyone that has an idea that might assist in the progress can make it known. Blessed Love...
More Questions? Link up and we will try to answer them
Yes I Rastafari